I received a phone call yesterday from a representative of Roanoke Bible College in Elizabeth City, NC. Patti took the call, expecting a request to come and speak to our teens about attending their school. Yet, the request we received was quite different.
It seems that Standard Publishing is conducting a regional seminar on RBC's campus entitled, Energizing Smaller Churches. It is an equipping opportunity for church leaders in the eastern US who serve churches with 200 or fewer in attendance. It seems that those putting together this seminar have "heard about how God is working at Community" and wanted to invite me to be a presenter.
My first reaction, after hanging up the phone was to laugh out loud. I appreciate the invite, but I think their vetting process needs some work. The reality is, if I actually felt like I had anything to offer (i.e., knew what I was doing), I might accept. But most weeks it feels more like God is doing His thing, and I'm just trying to keep up or, more accurately, stay out of His way. That's not a bad place to be but I'm just not sure that's the "how-to" stuff they are looking for.
Then it hit me... "the way outsiders view Community is changing." These people didn't know me from Adam, but they had heard what God was doing in this church. That brought a smile to my face. God is working, people are noticing the transformation, and God is being praised. That is the vision of our church - individually and collectively. During the smile-fest, God reminded me of something Paul said to the Christians in Rome: "Let me say first of all that your faith in God is becoming known..." Romans 1:8. Very, very cool.
Pray for wisdom as I decide what to do with this invitation. I don't really need another thing to do. Yet, if this is an opportunity to glorify God by talking about how He is working in our church and, at the same time, a chance to encourage the hearts of other leaders, it might be a very good thing.
7 Quick but Powerful Reminders for Pastors
8 months ago
i will definitely pray for wisdom. but after reading this blog something became clear to me... it seems that a huge part of why CCC is experiencing awesome growth is because a lot of people here aren't just concerned on what's going on inside this church but what's going on inside our community.
I will be praying on this. But I think it is an awesome opportunity. Let's see now................what's that book........instead of the "little engine that could." how about the little church that could.
Alan and I are both alumnis of RBC and really learned a lot from the professors and staff at that school. I'm proud of you, Brent, that they would honor you and the Lord's Church in seeking your wisdom. I know you'll pray about it and seek God's will. I also know that it's only God who is blessing you with this talent and He'd want you to use it to His Glory. Rock on!
Oh, talk about an awesome opportunity. God doesn't send us "maybes" - we'll be praying he sends you a loud "YES"!
Oh, talk about an awesome opportunity! God doesn't send us "maybes", we'll be praying you hear a loud "YES"!
Realize that you do have something to offer, Brent. In my 25 years of church involvement, I've never even heard most of what you bring to the table. Even "staying out of God's way" is probably innovative to some. Congrats for the honor of being invited!
WOW, what an awesome opportunity to show that even though we may be small in numbers our faith in GOD IS HUGE!!!!!!! You go Brent!!!!!
We are blessed that God is so powerful and works in our lives!!
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